Welcome to the whimsical world of gourd art by SanPaw. My name is Sandi Sweeney and I am SanPaw.
Since a small child I created arts and crafts from throw-away items, found objects, and naturals of all kinds.I frequently designed pieces that my dad cut from wood and that I would sell at local craft shows. We adopted the SanPaw logo at that time and I still use the logo as I continue my journey with art.
Over the years I have experimented with many art forms including silk scarves, painted rocks, clay figures, mixed-media, and jewelry–always with an eye on using materials in an unconventional way.
It was only after retirement that a friend introduced me to the strange and fascinating world of gourds. Gourds provide incredible possibilities. They are natural canvasses that come in a wide array of sizes and shapes. Their natural imperfections provide the perfect format for my imagination.
I poured my crafting background and mixed media experiences into my gourd work and elevated my crafting into a fine art form with a whimsical wink and a nod. My art dolls, purses, jewelry, vessels, and other whimsies emerge as I begin my creative process. Although I still work with other medias, I am always drawn back to the eclectic world of gourds.
Welcome to my web site. I hope you enjoy the visit. I have posted a sampling of my work with a general range of prices. Please contact me if you would like to make a purchase. If a specific piece is no longer available, I can create one along the same theme as no two pieces will ever be the same.
I reside in Highland, Illinois, and am a juried Illinois artisan. I participate in a limited number of art shows each year in Missouri and Illinois. My work is also available at a local artisan shop.